Vikings Laydy Sassy Classy And A Tad Badassy Shirt
Since many households would hold parties during these two evenings, they may not concentrate on their jobs as they do in the Vikings Laydy Sassy Classy And A Tad Badassy Shirt time. Therefore, the company would rather let their employees stay at home to do some shopping and preparation than stay in the office to think something else not related to work. There has a policy stating that Christmas Eve is a holiday in employee handbook or employment agreement or contract. It might state that employees receive paid time off or premium pay for working on the holiday. For those retail business workers who are more busier during these two days, they may arrange other time to have a rest, while those who have these two days off and get paid would not have this advantage. They probably arrange another two holidays for working days or do not compensate overtime work. For those companies who do not need to deal with customers, if multiple employees ask for the time off, the company could accommodate such requests.
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December is the cold rainy season in this part of the Vikings Laydy Sassy Classy And A Tad Badassy Shirt . Shepherds would not have been in the field with their flocks. The sheep are all under Winter cover at this time of the year. There is no grass growing in the fields for sheep to eat. Travel in Winter time by foot or animal in those times was very hazardous. The weather makes travel extremely difficult and dangerous. As such, the decree that all travel to their home city to register for the tax would have gone out in mid-Summer at the very latest to give everyone a chance to travel to and back from their home city in relative safety and comfort. The innkeeper offered Mary and Joseph shelter in the barn. He would not have offered this to a soon to deliver pregnant woman if the animals were now in the barn and out of the weather. The barn would have been unsanitary, cold, noisy and impossible to get any rest. Not a fit place for a woman to give birth.
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