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Since many households would hold parties during these two evenings, they may not concentrate on their jobs as they do in the Together We Can Create A Future Without Breast Cancer Snoopy Kentucky Wildcats Shirt time. Therefore, the company would rather let their employees stay at home to do some shopping and preparation than stay in the office to think something else not related to work. There has a policy stating that Christmas Eve is a holiday in employee handbook or employment agreement or contract. It might state that employees receive paid time off or premium pay for working on the holiday. For those retail business workers who are more busier during these two days, they may arrange other time to have a rest, while those who have these two days off and get paid would not have this advantage. They probably arrange another two holidays for working days or do not compensate overtime work. For those companies who do not need to deal with customers, if multiple employees ask for the time off, the company could accommodate such requests.
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Pagan originally meant simply a Together We Can Create A Future Without Breast Cancer Snoopy Kentucky Wildcats Shirt in a rural community, but since those country people were often the last to be converted, it came to be used by city dwellers as applying to all who did not adopt their professed Christian beliefs. In a similar way the term “heathen” at first meant simply one who lived out on the “heath” or field. The Encyclopedia Americana says: “Most of the customs now associated with Christmas were not originally Christmas customs but rather were pre-Christian and non-Christian customs taken up by the Christian church. Saturnalia, a Roman feast celebrated in mid-December, provided the model for many of the merry-making customs of Christmas. From this celebration, for example, were derived the elaborate feasting, the giving of gifts, and the burning of candles.
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