The Shall Not Be Infringed Shirt is to hold “the Feast of the Seven Fishes” on Christmas Eve. It is a wonderful, and extremely tasty Italian American tradition that I looked forward to every year. MIL would make a big pot of spaghetti with her special lobster marinara sauce, baked cod, calamari, and FIL would prepare a huge platter of shrimp cocktail for the appetizer. I was the appointed birthday cake baker, so I would bring a homemade and decorated cake each Christmas Eve for MIL. I remember the first time I tried the lobster marinara sauce. It sounded weird to me, as I had never had it before. It was acceptable in taste — wasn’t crazy about it, the way the rest of the extended family was. As the years went by, the taste grew on me, but I usually serve seafood stew (Cioppino) to my family instead. So, if you need a special Christmas Eve dinner, consider the Feast of the Seven Fishes, but if your family is not into seafood, an Italian dinner of pasta with meatballs, garlic bread, salad and Italian desserts would be a good substitute.
Shall Not Be Infringed Shirt hoodie, tank top, sweater and long sleeve t-shirt
No, I’m very comfortable with saying “Merry Christmas” to people. I’m atheist as well, and I celebrate Christmas. The vast majority of the Shall Not Be Infringed Shirt of Christmas are secular, ranging from the general motive of exchanging gifts and spending time with your loved ones all the way to Santa Claus and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Christmas these days is about as secular as paying cash (In God We Trust), going to elementary school (saying the Pledge of Allegiance), or going to court (Ten Commandments in front of court houses): in other words, while it’s still a tiny bit religious and it does make me a bit uncomfortable, they are still for the vast majority secular and I still willingly participate in these activities.
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