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I hope not because that’s the way I’ve done it ever since leaving my parents’ house at 17. We always had the New England Patriots Classic Logo T Shirt Christmas Day opening growing up, but that’s in part because our grandparents were there too. Once on my own, for some reason it seemed to make more sense (to me) to have a nice dinner and open the presents on Christmas eve. That left Christmas day to do whatever. Not much was open when I was younger, so it could be a day of quiet, relaxation and reflection. Some of my friends always did it on Christmas eve … especially as I recall my Catholic friends. Often they went to Midnight Mass and also had services on Christmas day. My church had a midnight service, but they more or less suggested adults only. And unless Christmas happened to be Sunday, there was no Christmas day service.
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The days before Christmas a log is collected and kids are in charge of New England Patriots Classic Logo T Shirt. It can vary between nuts, water or fresh fruits that later mysteriously disappear when the children aren’t there. The procedure of “cagar el Tió” is very simple, the family gathers around the Tió de Nadal while the children sing the song of the Caga Tió, they are in charge of hitting him with a stick so that he starts to “shit” gifts, hence the name “Caga Tió” or “hacer cagar al Tió”. At the end of the song, kids remove the blanket and pick up the gifts with great enthusiasm! However, sometimes the Tió (log) is more eager to shit, so to give him a little more time, the children go to another room to sing or recite Christmas poems while the parents help the Tió by covering him again with the blanket.
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