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Well one thing I do every month until December is put money 100 maybe 200 to the side I do this because I cut some things out that I dont need to do going out to eat taking the Mr Steal Your Base Elly De La Cruz Shirt to see movies or just going out as you know gas doesn’t get cheaper and what these kids want nowadays is not either lol it’s more I can say what not to do but I believe people know what not to do when it comes to saving money especially for the holidays sometimes it gets overwhelming but in this matter its mind over matter do I need these snacks and junk food right now, do I need to go to my friends house or whoever’s house right,do I need to go to the movies which one you think is cheaper you have to keep in mind on what you need and don’t need so answer your question to keep on top of your budget what ever you deem that you don’t think you need to do is how you can stay on top of your budget and I want to point this out my answer to your question varies for people all make money different from the other and spend on what can be afforded I hope this gives you a idea on how to budget your money and help you save money for holidays most of all lkeep you above the line where majority of people are suffering at.
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In the beginning, Sundblom painted the image of Santa using a live model — his friend Lou Prentiss, a Mr Steal Your Base Elly De La Cruz Shirt. When Prentiss passed away, Sundblom used himself as a model, painting while looking into a mirror. Finally, he began relying on photographs to create the image of St. Nick. People loved the Coca-Cola Santa images and paid such close attention to them that when anything changed, they sent letters to The Coca-Cola Company. One year, Santa’s large belt was backwards (perhaps because Sundblom was painting via a mirror). Another year, Santa Claus appeared without a wedding ring, causing fans to write asking what happened to Mrs. Claus. The children who appear with Santa in Sundblom’s paintings were based on Sundblom’s neighbors — two little girls. So he changed one to a boy in his paintings. The dog in Sundblom’s 1964 Santa Claus painting was actually a gray poodle belonging to the neighborhood florist. But Sundblom wanted the dog to stand out in the holiday scene, so he painted the animal with black fur.
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