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Since many households would hold parties during these two evenings, they may not concentrate on their jobs as they do in the Christmas snoopy cleveland browns 2024 T Shirt time. Therefore, the company would rather let their employees stay at home to do some shopping and preparation than stay in the office to think something else not related to work. There has a policy stating that Christmas Eve is a holiday in employee handbook or employment agreement or contract. It might state that employees receive paid time off or premium pay for working on the holiday. For those retail business workers who are more busier during these two days, they may arrange other time to have a rest, while those who have these two days off and get paid would not have this advantage. They probably arrange another two holidays for working days or do not compensate overtime work. For those companies who do not need to deal with customers, if multiple employees ask for the time off, the company could accommodate such requests.
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Slovaks: Slovaks are obviously the closest nation to Czechs. They are our eastern neighbor, we shared a country with them for almost a Christmas snoopy cleveland browns 2024 T Shirt , and our languages and customs are very similar and for foreigners virtually indistinguishable. You can see this in mentality, Easter and Christmas customs, folk costumes, folklore etc. Slovenians: Despite not sharing a border with Czechs are rather close culturally. I have some good Slovenian friends and I have to say they are basically indistinguishable from Czechs and Slovaks… they felt very comfortable in Czechia, and not really like foreigners. This is due to a common history of being Slavic nations under the Holy Roman Empire, and later under the Austrian Empire. Aka we both have a lot of Germanic influence. The Slovenian mentality, I would say, is very similar to the Czech one. Austrians: Czechs were ruled by the Austrians for centuries. Many Austrians: especially in Vienna and north eastern Austria have Czech surnames, and many Czechs have German surnames that are commonly found in Austria. This is because there was a lot of movement back and forth between nations. Austrian cuisine is very similar to Czech cuisine, and crossing the border into Austria from south Moravia you barely even notice a difference. Austrians I’ve encountered also tend to look more Central European than Western European like many Germans do.
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