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We are concerned with the Archetypal Symbolism of “The Cycle of Growth” – which governs all growth processes. Astronomy/Astrology has existed for Arizona Cardinals Classic Logo T Shirt of years. Around 3,000 BC human conscious awareness developed to recognise the Annual Cycle of the Sun. This enabled the development of an Annual Calendar for the sowing and reaping of crops. Before that the Monthly Cycles of the Moon were used to “tell time”. There was no reading and writing, so they had to use direct observation at sunrise every day to determine the position of the Sun relative to the background star constellations – that are also visible at this time of day. The human mind has the facility of “translating” random patterns of things like dots of light, and cloud formations, into pictures or images. So they saw Rams rutting in the fields at the time of Spring, and “saw the same picture” in the heavens – and called the Time “Aries the Ram”. This was therefore a Mnemonic “Memory System”. We can assume that this also gave rise to the thousands of stone circles that began to appear around the world at around the same time. It is known that they are aligned with annual positions of Sun and Moon – especially the Solstices and Equinoxes.
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A Arizona Cardinals Classic Logo T Shirt is that replacing one of these legacy systems is like “changing the tire on your car while it’s in motion.” But, that analogy really doesn’t describe the complexity of the problem at all. Imagine having to replace your car’s frame while it’s in motion. The corporation can’t take a year off to do this, it needs to continue down the highway without sputtering while you replace the framework that not only holds the wheels in place, but restrains the powertrain, protects the driver, holds the wires in place, and keeps the road from rattling everything apart. I witnessed several attempts to replace these systems. Each team was given a large budget and told to make it happen. Spirits of young programmers were dashed against the rocks again and again by these projects. They eagerly dove in, and documented all of the functions that are performed by the legacy. Then they began to build replacement systems that must run in parallel to the legacy. Until the project is completed, these replacements must pipe information into and out of the legacy while establishing an entirely new framework.
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